Types of Barcodes

Types of Barcodes

In some situations, certain documents need to be printed from Docupace and re-uploaded into the system using your office scanner. For example, when your forms require Wet Signatures from you and your clients, you must get them back to the corresponding Work Item in Docupace. For more information on scanning these signed forms, refer to the Scanning Barcoded Forms section. To re-upload the forms, use the Attach button and the Direct File Uploader.

A barcode is a method of displaying information in a way that a system can easily read. The simplest barcodes comprise a series of parallel vertical bars and spaces. Some barcodes may be on pre-configured forms (customized) or may be generated directly from within the Docupace system. Using barcodes (which were printed out as part of your forms packet) ensures that the documentation is placed back into the correct location (in this case, the existing Work Item).

Keep the documentation in order, with the barcode on top of the document it represents. This guide provides information on the different types of coversheets provided by Docupace.

  • Work Item Coversheet

  • Document Type Coversheet

  • Barcoded Documents

  • Document Separator Coversheet

  • Document ID Barcode Coversheet

Each type enables one or more of these features:

  • workflow routing

  • auto-indexing

  • updating specific records

  • splitting documents into different batches.

Work Item Coversheet

Request Type Cover-sheet

Request Type Coversheet

Enables: Workflow Routing

Note: When you place this on top of document(s), it will drive some initial routing behavior – by sending the work item to the appropriate workflow queue.

Document Type Coversheet

Enables: Auto-indexing

Note: If the document does not have a barcode, this coversheet generates auto-indexing of the document type classification, thereby even eliminating the need for a Request Type Coversheet.

Document Type Cover-sheet

Document Type Cover-sheet

Barcoded Document

Barcoded Document

Enables: Auto-indexing and Workflow Routing

Tip: Many documents do (or will) have barcodes “in-built,” i.e., within their pages. This eliminates the need for the Document Type Coversheet.


Document Separator Coversheet

Enables: Splitting documents within a batch.

Document Separator Coversheet

Document ID Barcode Cover-sheet


Document ID Barcode Coversheet

Enables: Updating a specific image or record


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