Click on Images to Expand Them
Another way to define a field with selectable values is to list the values in the Form Dropdowns (329) domain. All values with the same "Dropdown #" can then be referenced and used in the same list of options. These values are displayed in a Single Value Form Dropdown field or Multiple Value Form Dropdown field. The Single Value Form Dropdown allows to choose only one value from the list, and it can be displayed as a dropdown, list of radio buttons, or formatted buttons. The Multiple Value Form Dropdown allows to choose several values from the list, and it can be displayed as a dropdown, or a list of checkboxes.
Note: The example below shows how to create an Investment Objectives field. It will be a Single Value Form Dropdown field, with its values defined in the Form Dropdowns (329) domain under the Dropdown # 'INVESTMENT_OBJECTIVES'.
Step 1: Create five New Form Dropdown fields.
1.1. To create a list of dropdown values, open the Form Dropdowns (329) domain.
Form Dropdowns (329) domain
1.2. Click New Form Dropdowns, fill out the details for a new value
1.3. Click Save.
1.4. Repeat steps 1.1-1.3 five times using the field values below.
Details for one of Form Dropdown values
Step 2: Create a new Dynamic Wizard Widget.
2.1. Proceed to Administration menu > Single Pane of Glass tile > Widgets tile.
2.2. Create a new Dynamic Wizard widget.
Step 3: Add a Dropdown Field.
3.1. Open the Pages tab in the Docupace Start editor,
3.2. Create a new page.
3.3. Add a field to the new page.
3.4. Open Add Field panel.
3.5. Add a Single Value Form Dropdown field to the page.
3.6. This first field will ask the user to choose Investment Objectives for the account.
3.7. Enter the following values for the field settings:
Adding a Single Value Form Dropdown field
Step 4: Apply the Changes.
4.1. Click Apply button in the bottom of the screen to close the Widget Design Screen and apply changes.
4.2. Then click Save button in the top of the Widget Details Screen to save these changes.
Step 5: Test Your Widget.
Test the widget by opening the Investment Objectives dropdown. Available options should be:
'Balanced Growth'
'Preservation of Principal'
'Aggressive Growth/Aggressive Income'.
A Single Value Form Dropdown field with options