Team Monitor
The Team Monitor allows you to view and manage teams. To open it, click on Commissions (1) > Team Monitor (2).
Managing Teams
You can complete the following tasks within Team Monitor.
Filter and Review existing teams
Create/Remove/Terminate teams
Add/Remove employees from teams
Set the team lead
Adjust the split rate between individuals on teams
Assign a team rep code
Add teams to commission plans
There are four buttons located at the top of the Team Monitor window.
Note: You can see additional information by adding the Team Member and Split % columns using the Column Selector. The system will display each team member as their own row.
Tip: Alternatively, you can double-click on a team in your results list to view its details.
Note: You may remove a team only if the team has no associated transactions. Otherwise, you must enter an end date in the Team Details window to terminate that team.
Team Details
Here you can enter the following information:
Start/End Date
Group Code (Primary and Alternate)
Employees - right-click in the tab to add an employee to the team
Adding a Team to a Commission Plan
In order to manage compensation for a team, you must first add that team to a commission plan.
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