How to Use the Send Fax Directions Domain

How to Use the Send Fax Directions Domain

Introduction: This guide provides an overview of Send Fax Directions domain and instructions on how to create new Send Fax Directions.

Change Log:





June 2021

Comprehensive documentation about the Send Fax Directions domain (634)

Audience: Docupace Admins

Functionality: The Send Fax Directions domain allows firms to use multiple fax numbers per Vendor/Custodian.




Firms can use the following domains for completing the Fax-to-Fund action:

  1. The Vendor/Custodian domain (can only use one fax number per Vendor/Custodian)

  2. The Send Fax Directions domain (can use multiple fax numbers per Vendor/Custodian based on specific rules)

Note: By default, sites use the Vendor/Custodian domain. To use the Send Fax Directions domain instead, you must work with Professional Services.

Tip: Use the Send Fax Directions domain if you need to use more than one fax number for a Vendor/Custodian. For example, some vendors use a different number for each region or request type.


How does the Send Fax Directions action work?

The Send Fax Directions action

When Work Items (WI) reach the Sponsor Custodian queue, the system fires the Send Fax Directions action. This causes the system to match the WI properties to the records in the Send Fax Directions domain (634). The system narrows down the matching records to a unique match by using applicable fields and priority. It only brings back Active records, ignoring records where Is Active is set to No.


Priority determines which numbers the system will use if multiple criteria is true. For example, let us say three different WI reach the sponsor custodian queue. These WIs are as described in the table below.

  1. The first WI is a change of address for a brokerage account. The system uses the Fax Number for Change of Address because it has a priority of 50.

  2. The second WI is a change of address for an advisory account. The system uses the Fax Number for Advisory because it has a priority of 75.

  3. The third WI is a new advisory account. Since 100 is the highest possible priority, the system uses the directions for new accounts.




Creating new Send Fax Directions

The Send Fax Directions domain allows you to create custom rules for Vendor/Custodian fax numbers. The Details section contains the three required fields.

  • Fax Number (A)

  • Vendor Custodian (C)

  • Priority (F)

The remaining sections are optional and each correspond with a Work Item property. These sections determine the types of Work Items that use the fax number. You can view step-by-step instructions by continuing past the screenshot.

Filling out a new Send Fax Directions record