Uploading Data Files (RIA)
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Data File Templates
RIA Productivity Suite uses three data files to manage information in bulk. You can read about how to fill out each file here.
Warning: You must upload files in the following order:
Rep File (.REP)
This data file adds information about individual reps.
This file builds the relationships between Rep #, OSJ Office, Sales Branch, and Region.
User Access File (.ACL)
The ACL file provides the mechanism to add/disable users into the system.
Client File (.CLT)
The Client file load is a mechanism to deliver a one-time load or an ongoing update of client information.
Each line item is equivalent to an account/subfolder for a client.
Upload Sizes and Time Restriction
All CLT files 1MB or less will be processed immediately. Any other file type that is less than 10MB will also be processed without a time restriction.
Uploading Data Files