File Load Hierarchy

File Load Hierarchy

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Before you begin the process of uploading Data Files to Docupace, we recommend you identify the hierarchy and supervision structure within your organization. Certain columns can be filled out on your spreadsheets to manage this process and give users the ability to access the Reps that they will be supporting/supervising. The following is an example hierarchy.

Tip: Many organizations do not need as many levels as are available. Often, they only use OSJ and Rep. The levels your organization uses are customizable based on its needs.

Region (Level 1)

Some organizations are broken down into various regions (in this case, two). Each of those regions may have their own Regional Manager who would need access to all the Reps within their region. Regional Manager for R1 has no reason to access the Reps in R2.

A map of the United States with R1 on the western side, and R2 on the easter side.

OSJ (Level 2)

Region 1 can be broken down FURTHER to an Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJ). In this example, there are three supervisory officers under the Regional Manager. O1 office only has access to the Reps within the Northeastern part of the region where O2 and O3 can only see the Reps in their respective states/regions.

The western side of the US is broken into 3 pieces. Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming belong to O1. Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico are O2. Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and California are marked as O3.

Sales Office (Level 3)

In this example, O1 breaks down into two sales regions. The Manager for S1 can only see reps within the State/area that they are assigned to as a subset of O1. In this example, the S1 manager can access Rep J93, but cannot access Rep X12.

Rep (Rep Level)

Reps are driven by their own rep codes. One of the columns for each Rep Code allows you to assign them to different Regions, OSJs, and Sales Offices, as required.