Team Monitor

Team Monitor





September 2022

Initial Version

October 2024

Additional columns for seeing team split percentages.

March 2025

Described creating teams and setting up commission splits.


The Team Monitor allows you to view and manage teams. To open it, click on Commissions (1) > Team Monitor (2).


You can complete the following tasks within Team Monitor:

  • Filter and review existing teams

  • Create/Remove/Terminate teams

  • Add/Remove employees from teams

  • Set the team lead

  • Adjust the commissions split rate between individuals on a team

  • Assign a team rep code

  • Add teams to commission plans

Click FILTER to see the full list of teams.

Team Monitor window


There are four buttons located at the top of the Team Monitor window.

To see a list of your existing teams, click the Filter (A) button. You may enter search terms to narrow your results.

Note: You can see additional information by adding the Team Member and Split % columns using the Column Selector. The system will display each team member as their own row.

To view the details about a specific team, click the Details (B) button. The system opens the Team Detail window.

Tip: Alternatively, you can double-click on a team in your results list to view its details.

Click the Add Team (C) button to create a new team. The system will open a blank Team Detail window.
To remove a team, click the Remove Team (D) button.

Note: You may remove a team only if the team has no associated transactions. Otherwise, you must Teminate a team. Right-click on the team and selsect Terminate from the pop-up menu or enter an end date in the Team Details window.

Creating a New Team

To create a new Team entry and set up the Split Percentages, follow these steps:

Adding a Team to a Commission Plan

To manage compensation for a team, you must first add that team to a commission plan.

Audience: Rep Administrative Team, HR Team

Functionality: Teams consist of multiple members, each with a specified percentage split of commissions. Trades are credited to a team using a Team Rep ID.


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