Versions Compared


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titleView Changelog



February 2022

Initial version

November 2022

Revised page formatting

December 2023

Updated screenshots and content

February 2024

Filter and search functionality

Defining custom filters

Using the field controls

June 2024

Links to Contact Manager and Company Monitor

General Navigation

The main screen consists of two parts:

  • Navigation Area (A)

  • Content Area (B)

Navigation Area

The Action toolbar is located at the top of the Navigation menu. It has five buttons. The numbers on the screenshot correspond with the numbered list describing each button.

  1. Clicking the Message iconopens the jCore Messages window. When you receive a new notification, the system displays a red arrow on the top right of the icon.

  2. Clicking the External Share icon allows you to export selected forms and reports in MS Excel format.

  3. Clicking the Printer icon allows you to create, modify, and print reports.

  4. Clicking the Hamburger Menu icon collapses the navigation menu.

  5. Clicking the Security icon logs you out of the system.

The Calendar tool allows you to organize contacts, meetings, and agendas. You can use the arrows around the current month to move forward and back through the calendar. You can also drill into specific days by clicking that date.

There are eight tiles to choose from in the Navigation menu. The names and order of these tiles can vary based on client needs, user settings and access permissions. Each tile has tools and/or reports that you can use to manage your data. The system sets the tile you have selected to white.

The Admin tile contains various administration and management tools. For example, you can manage employees, change system settings, and reassign clients. This tile contains ten modules. You can use these to complete various administrative tasks.

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titleEmployee Manager

The Employee Manager is a data repository to hold data referencing all users of the application.

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titleLocation Manager
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titleContact Maintenance

The Contact Maintenance tool allows users with administrative rights (Admin Role) to view and manage all Contacts within the system.

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titleProduct Manager

The Product Manager displays the information about financial products in our Compensation and Compliance modules.

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titleCompany Setup
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titleReassign Clients
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titleSecurity Manager
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titleData Load Reports
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titleLicense Maintenance
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titleAsynchronous Monitor

The Platform tile will provide access to the global tools used to manage the application. This tile contains six modules.

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titleCase Monitor
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titleProcess Designer
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titleQuery Builder

The Query Builder allows a user to run preloaded SQL (Structured Query Language) statements against the production database. This feature is typically used to produce ad hoc reports at very short notice.

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titleAPI Monitor
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titleAudit Monitor

The Audit Monitor allows you to identify changes made to records in jCore.

jCore’s standard Commissions and Compensation Plan allows you to specify your own commissions payout grids, draw logic, salaries, pay periods, and rules regarding what products provide compensation.

Note: To specify complex compensation logic may require additional configuration.

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The Console is used to setup pay periods and review commission reports.

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titleConsole Beta
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titleWire Log
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titleCommissions Plan Manager
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titleCredit Event Monitor
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titleLookup Monitor

In the Lookup Table Monitor the system displays all lookup tables.

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titleTeam Monitor

The Team Monitor allows you to view and manage teams.

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titleAdjustment Monitor

The Adjustment Monitor allows Commissions teams to manage Ad Hoc, Recurring, and Dynamic adjustments.

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titleGoal Monitor

The Compliance module contains tools allowing you to review the status of financial markets, send and receive messages, and manage alerts.

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titleAlert Monitor

The Alert Monitor allows you to the setup and monitor surveillance for trades, sales, addresses, orders, accounts, data changes, licenses, and appointments.

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titleQuick Messages
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titleOFAC & FinCEN

The OFAC and FinCen Monitor allows users to quickly verify matches with regularity lists.

The Marketing tile allows you to view information about clients, agents, and accounts.

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titleClient Cross Seller
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titleAgent Cross Seller
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titleAccount Analyser

The Reporting tile allows you to view and create various types of reports.

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titleReport Warehouse
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titleAccount Monitor
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titlePosition Monitor
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titleSales Monitor
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titleProcess Monitor
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titleProcess Designer
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The Sales tile allows you to manage transactions, events, contracts, and more.

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titleContact Manager

The Contact Manager tool allows Sales Representatives to view and manage Contacts assigned to them or created by them. Contacts may include individuals who are current clients of your company or potential customers.


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titleTransaction Monitor
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titleReferral History
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titleEvent History
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titleForm Warehouse

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titleDocument Monitor
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titleSales Lead
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titleCompany Monitor

The Company Monitor tool allows Sales Representatives to view and manage Companies assigned to them or created by them. Companies can be either entities that are your direct clients or employers of individuals who are your customers.


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titleContract Monitor

The help tile contains links to user manuals, training videos, and contact information.

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titleUser Manuals
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titleContact Us
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titleTraining Videos


Audience: All jCore users.

Functionality: The jCore applet provides users access to information from a variety of sources in order to maintain up-to-date books and records.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "jcore" , "getting-started" , "configuration" , "tables" , "reports" ) and space = currentSpace ( )

Entering Field Values

In the jCore system, you will use various field types:

  • to specify filter values,

  • to enter search criteria,

  • and to enter data into the system.


For this purpose, use the following system controls:



Usage Tips


For entering text values

Click on the Dialog icon next to the field to select one of the options:

  • Starts With

  • Exact Match

  • Contains

  • Ends With

  • Does Not Contain

  • Ignore Case (additional checkbox)


For entering numeric values

In some cases, you can select these additional options displayed in an adjacent dropdown:

  • > - Grater than

  • < - Less than

  • < > - Not equal to this value

  • = - Equal to the single value

  • In - Any of the selected values.

  • Not in- Not any of the selected values.


For In and Not in:

Click the three dots icon to select a range of values.


For entering currency values

In some cases, you can select additional options (same as for numeric values) displayed in an adjacent dropdown.


Dropdown for selecting one or multiple values that are defined in the system

Click the Magnifier icon to open the search dialog and find a specific value.

Click the three dots icon to select a range of values.


Hold down the Ctrl key to select several values.

Hold down the Shift key to select several adjacent values.


The search dialog for selecting specific values in longer dropdown menus. Opens when you click the Magnifier icon.

Hold down the Ctrl key to select several values. Hold down the Shift key to select several adjacent values. Then click SELECT to make the selection.


The select dialog for choosing an array of values in longer dropdown menus. Opens when you click the Three Dots icon.

Hold down the Ctrl key to select several values. Hold down the Shift key to select several adjacent values. Then click OK to make the selection.


For selecting a date from the calendar

Click the calendar icon next to the field to select the date.

In some cases, you can select these additional options:

  • > or after - After the date

  • < or before - Before the date

  • on - Equal to the specified date

  • range - Any of the dates in the range


For selecting a Yes/No value

Click the checkbox to select it.


Tip: You may need to double-click the checkbox if it is not selected on a single click.


For selecting one of several values

Click the radio button to select it.

Filtering and Searching in jCore

Most of the tools in jCore (monitors, histories, managers, etc.) initially allow you to filter the list of objects in the system to search for a specific entry. Then you can open any one of those entries to learn its details.

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The screen consists of two parts:

  1. Filter Criteria - type or select the criteria to search by and press Enter or click the Filter button.

  2. List of Results - all entries that match the search criteria are displayed in a table.

Click the TOTAL COUNT at the bottom of the screen to see the total number of entries matching the filter criteria. This will also calculate totals for amounts in some columns, e.g. Total Assets.


Note: When there are many results, it may take a few seconds to calculate the Total Count and other totals.

total_count.pngImage Removedtotal_count.pngImage Added

All the filter results windows have a default column layout. To customize the layout, click the Column Selector button in the lower-right corner of the screen.

The system opens the Column Selector window. Configure the layout settings. Click Save when you are finished.




Page Size

Determines the number of results displayed in the list. By default this is set to 20. The maximum value is 200.

Change order of the columns

Select a column name, then click the up or down arrows to move columns right or left in the report layout.

Fixed Column Size

Select the Fixed Column Size checkbox to freeze the column width.

Column Resizing

Click Column Resizing and adjust the width of each column. Click Save to save the settings.

Include in the Report

Double-click Click the checkbox in the Include in the Report column to display this column in the report.

Column Name

Double-click Click the name in the Column Name column and type the column’s name as it will appear in the report.


Double-click Click the checkbox in the Total column to calculate the total value in this column.

Sort By

Double-click Click the checkbox in the Sort By column to enable the sorting of the records by the selected column.

Fraction Digits Count

For numeric values select how many decimal digits to display.

Creating Custom Filters

As a user, in some search windows, you may create additional filters. Custom filters can be created to include system fields, User-defined fields, and Attribute fields.

To create a custom filter:

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Click the Column Selector button in the lower-right corner of the screen.

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In the Column Selector window, open the Custom Filters tab, right-click for a pop-up menu, and select Add Custom Condition.

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Define the Condition Content as explained in the next steps.

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Select the data type (Field, Number, String, Date Parameter, Current Date, Null). Then select or type the data for the first part of the expression.

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Select the comparison operator (=, <>, <=, <, >=, >, is, is not).

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Fill out the second part of the expression.

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Enter the name of this filter.

  • Filter - will be used internally in the system code, and you cannot change it once the filter is saved.

  • Filter Name - will be seen by you and other users in the interface.

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Open the View Condition tab to see the final expression. Click Check Expression to verify it.

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If all is correct, click Save.

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Select the new filter in the list and click SAVE.

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The custom filter will be applied to the list of results. Click Filter Content next to the filter field to edit the expression.
