Space TimelineSpace Timeline

Part 6: Loading the ADV file

Introduction: The ADV file provides the following mechanisms:

  • Adding or removing Get From Pool Assignment rules to users in the system.

  • Consistency and ease of user and rule management.

Important features of the ADV file


Warning: To perform the ADV file load, you should have the following:

  • A predefined rule in the Get From Pool Assignments domain.

  • Each column filled out in the ADV file.

Loading the ADV file

How to upload the ADV file

Upload the ADV file to Docupace. To upload the folder, perform the following actions:





Go to New (1) > Upload File (2).

Uploading file

Uploading file


Click Add file(s) (1) and select the relevant ADV file > Start Upload (2).

Success: When the upload process is successful, the system displays a checkmark in the Status column (3).

Diarect File Uploader

Diarect File Uploader