Understanding the Docupace Dashboard
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What is the Dashboard?
The Dashboard is the landing page for all users accessing the Docupace system. This page shows what you are currently working on and if there are any additional work items available to access. The work items that you have access to are present under different tabs within the My Tasks section. From the dashboard, you can:
Review workflows
Select workflow queues
View work items that are part of tasks or in queues
Add work items to your task list from the pool of unassigned items
View tasks assigned to you
View the My Business Status pie chart
View your search history
Client Activity Tab
Within Client Activity, you can see the current queues of work. Click on any other queue to see the respective work item(s).
Mailroom Tab
The Mailroom displays any work items containing unindexed documents. Documents rely on barcodes to drive them through the workflow route within the Docupace system. If a document is scanned or uploaded into the system without any barcodes, it is referred to as “unindexed document” and gets routed to the Mailroom.
Note: These documents wait for user intervention to be sent through the appropriate workflow path.
Selecting the Current Workflow and Work Item
Within the Dashboard, the different workflows you as a user have access to will appear in the ribbon to the right of My Tasks. The number of workflows may depend on your user access or the broker-dealer workflows. In the image to the right, there are just two workflows: Client Activity, and the Mailroom.
Sorting Work Items by Column
Click any of the column headers to sort by that column from Z-A or A-Z. The sorting feature is available on any results list.
Toolbar Actions
In the upper right corner of the toolbar, there are three different dashboard actions:
Get From Pool Button
If no work items are assigned to you, but unassigned items are available in the queue (a green number next to the task name on the Dashboard), click the Get From Pool button. The oldest Work Item with the highest priority will be pushed into your task inbox for processing.
Create Work Item Button
If you want to create a work item manually, click the Create Work Item button. A new work item page will appear. Index, as needed, and save.
Reassign Button
When you want to reassign a work item to a different user or back into the Pool, select the checkbox to the left of the work item and then click the Reassign button. (This feature may be user-specific.)
In the Reassign Tasks field, search for and select a user/pool. Click Complete to reassign the work item to that user or a pool of users.