Space TimelineSpace Timeline

Part 4: Actions for Work Item

The following chart represents actions for assigning Work Items to the appropriate users at the right time.


Sets Field Value



Sets Field Value


Set work

Item skill

Work Item.Skill

Work Item.Workflow = Skills.Workflow
Work Item.Task Node = Skills.Node Name
Work Item.Request Type = Skills.Request Type
Work Item.Contract Folder.Resident State = Skills.Resident State
Work Item.Contract Folder.Producer Code = Skills.Producer Code
Work Item.Contract Folder.Product Name = Skills.Product Name
Work Item.Contract Folder.Suitability Level = Skills.Suitability Level
Work Item.Contract Folder.With Money = Skills.With Money
Work Item.Contract Documents.SUM(Check Amount) <= Skills.Check Amount Max

Set priority by skills

Work Item.Priority

If Match between WI and Skills Domain then Work Item.Priority = WorkItem.Skills.Skills Rarity.Priority else no match then Work Item.Priority = 5 (Or if default app preference is available, use that.) End If

Set work item SLA Due Date by Skill (defining due date)

Work Item.SLA Due Date

If Match between WI and Skills Domain then If Skills.SLA Same Day Is Not Null then If TimePart(Work Item.SLA Start Time 209.120008) < Skills.SLA Same Day then Work Item.SLA Due Date = Today @ Skills.SLA Same Day else WI SLA after Skill Same Day SLA Work Item.SLA Due Date = Next Business day (not including Holidays) @ Skills.SLA Same Day end if else If "Expedited" Then Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due Expedited) else not "Expedited" then Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due) end if end if else no match then Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Application Preference.Default SLA Business Hours) End If

Set work item SLA Due Date by skill when the work item is expedited

Work Item.SLA Due Date

Set work item SLA dates by Skill (defining the task due date and target start date)

Work Item.SLA Task Due Date

Work Item.SLA Task Target Start Date

If Match between WI and Skills Domain then If Skills.SLA Same Day Is Not Null then If TimePart(Work Item.SLA Start Time) < Skills.SLA Same Day then Work Item.SLA Due Date = Today @ Skills.SLA Same Day Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = Today @ Skills.SLA Same Day else WI SLA after Skill Same Day SLA Work Item.SLA Due Date = Next Business day (not including Holidays) @ Skills.SLA Same Day Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = Next Business day (not including Holidays) @ Skills.SLA Same Day end if else If "Expedited" Then Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due Expedited) Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due Expedited - Skills.SLA Business Hours Lead Time) else not "Expedited" then Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due) Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due - Skills.SLA Business Hours Lead Time) end if end if else no match then Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Application Preference.Default SLA Business Hours) Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Application Preference.Default SLA Business Hours - Application Preference.Default SLA Business Hours Lead Time) End If

Set work item SLA dates by Skill Expedited (determines if the WI should be expedited)

Work Item.SLA Task Due Date

Work Item.SLA Task Target Start Date