What is Event-Based Retention?
Event-Based Retention (EBR) allows you to create a set of rules based on system events. These rules determine how long specific documents must be retained before they can be digitally shredded.
Without Event-Based Retention
Indefinite Retention required
Not possible to purge or remove documents
With Event-Based Retention
Indefinite Retention by choice
Customizable Event-Based Retention
Batch Document Shredding
Note: Enabling the Event-Based Retention feature requires a Professional Services engagement project.
After enabling Event-Based Retention, all document records will use a default retention of Keep 90 Days + Until Custom EBR Configured
, which means they will be retained until the system is fully configured and the Docupace team approves the new retention rules.
EBR Domains
This feature adds the following domains to your site:
Retention Events (269)
Retention Rules (260)
Applied Retention Rules Log (279)
Applied Retention Rules (261)
Shredding Batches (262)
Batch Job Log (263)
Retention Matrix (264)
Document Shredding (676)
Document Shredding Error Types (677)
Shredding Batch Status (674)
Retention Meta Info (287)
Note: Some of these domains are only accessible to users with Admin access.
Retention Rules and Retention Events
Retention Rules are instructions that tell the Docupace system how long a document must be kept in storage and may not be deleted. Your firm’s Compliance Officer may create new rules, as described in the How to Create Retention Rules section.
Examples of rules are:
Keep documents for 5 years
Keep documents for 12 months
Keep documents for 30 days
Retention Events are occurrences that trigger these Retention Rules. These events are built-in and can only be configured by Docupace engineers.
Examples of events are:
Client Account Closed
- currently available to Docupace clients who use Event-Based RetentionAdvisor Terminated
- under developmentWork Item Completed
- under developmentCustom EBR Configured
- this is an event that can only be triggered by Docupace engineers
Before setting up Event-Based Retention, Docupace must work with you and/or your compliance officer to perform a Readiness assessment. This assessment will determine if your site is ready to support these events and identify any additional custom events that you will need. Once Docupace has created the custom events, your admins can apply the events to your retention rules.