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Pulling Auth0 Logs





August 2023

Initial Version

The Auth0 Dashboard allows you to view log events to investigate issues.

  • It displays log data of both actions taken in the dashboard by the administrators and authentications made by your users.

  • Facilitates diagnosis and resolution of authentication issues.

  • Maintains longer storage of log data.

Opening a Tenant Site

  1. Log into the Auth0 Dashboard.

Login screen
  1. Search for Tenant (site).

    1. Click DEVELOPMENT (1) on the Main menu.

    2. Click Switch tenant (2) from the dropdown.

Switching tenant
  1. Select site docupace-preprod-financialtest2 from the list.

Notes: Alternatively, select the search option (e.g., Search by Email, Identity Provider, etc.) from the dropdown first, enter the search parameter, and click Enter.

The Reset button clears the Search field.

Search For a User’s Logs

  1. Search for a User.

    1. Expand the User Management section and click Users (1) from the left-side menu.

    2. Enter the user name (2) and click Enter.

Tip: Alternatively, you can select the Search by (3) option from the dropdown first, enter the search parameter, and click Enter.

  1. Find the desired user from the list and click on their name.

  2. On the User screen, click on the History tab.

  1. Find the relevant Event and click on it.

  2. The Details section displays the logs needed for Engineering. If necessary, they can be copied and sent to Docupace support.

Audience: Docupace Client Admin (BD Admin Users)

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