Field Mappings
Field Mappings
PreciseFP/Docupace Default Field Mappings
The following fields are mapped by default.
Mapping a new field
You can add a new unmapped field, e.g., SSN number.
Note: Only Administrators can map new fields.
Removing a mapping
You can exclude a field from being mapped between the two systems by removing the mapping.
Troubleshooting Tip: Fields with incorrect mapping will be highlighted in red, i.e. items that do not have a corresponding field either in Docupace or in PreciseFP. Make sure to remove these entries and, if necessary, replace them with correct mappings. Check all sections: Client Folders, Quick Start Contacts, Client Subfolders, and Documents.
Audience: Docupace and PreciseFP Administrators, Financial Professionals, and Advisors.
Docupace supports integration with PreciseFP, offering the capability to import and export data. This guide will walk you through the steps on how to configure this integration.
Related Pages:
PreciseFP - Send to Quick Start (Docupace Platform User Guides)
PreciseFP Document Storage (Docupace Platform User Guides)
PreciseFP Integration (Docupace Platform User Guides)
Configuring the PreciseFP Integration (Docupace Platform User Guides)
Using the PreciseFP Integration (Docupace Platform User Guides)