Working with Previous Revisions of Widgets

Working with Previous Revisions of Widgets

Click on Images to Expand Them


Saving a Widget Revision

When saving a widget, specify a reason for the change or its description in the Widget Revision Comment field in the Widget Details. This is especially useful, if several developers are working on the same widget. The comment is not mandatory, but it is helpful later in order to recall what changed have been made and why.

The Widget Details window shows a Widget Revision panel that lists all previous edits made to the widget. The list shows which user changed the widget and when, as well as the additional Widget Revision Comment, if such was specified.

List of Widget Revisions

Widget Revision Actions

There are the following buttons in the pop-up toolbar when you hover over a revision entry:






Opens the previous revision of the widget as it was at that time.

Compare with Current

Compare two revisions of the widget to see what changes have been made.


Viewing an Earlier Widget Revision

Click the Details button in the pop-up toolbar when you hover over a revision entry.

The details of the previous revision of the widget are opened in a new window.

In the visualisation panel you can see, what the widget looked like and test how it worked.

Note. A message appears warning the user, that this is not the most current version of the widget: “Warning, you are viewing historic revision of this widget. Any changes will not be saved. If you want to use this revision, then Restore this Revision.“

Widget Revision details

Comparing and Restoring Earlier Widget Revisions

Click the Compare with Current button in the pop-up toolbar when you hover over a revision entry.

The Compare Widget Revisions screen is opened in a new window.

Comparison is done on JSON code with new code highlighted green and changed code highlighted red.

In case to use an external editor to verify or to make changes to the code, click the Copy to Clipboard (under historical or current revision, respectively) at the bottom of the screen.

To restore a previous revision of the widget, click Restore this Revision at the bottom of the screen.

Compare Widget Revisions screen