Confirming Successful Docupace Update
Introduction: This integration guide describes how to connect the CRM platform to the Docupace document management system for the companies that use both systems.
Log into your Docupace site. Proceed to the Administration menu > List Domains and confirm that the following settings for Salesforce integration have been automatically configured.
Troubleshooting Domains Access: If you cannot access the domains listed below, request security access as described in the Prerequisites section.
Troubleshooting Missing Settings: If you can access the domains, but do not see the settings described in the next steps, contact Support.
Step 1: Check FM Namespaces Settings
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Confirming Successful Docupace Update (Docupace Platform User Guides)
Working with Docupace Work Items in Salesforce (Docupace Platform User Guides)
Working with Docupace Documents in Salesforce (Docupace Platform User Guides)