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The information you entered into Starting Point will auto-populate the fields on this screen. If you did not choose a solicitation state in Starting Point, you will not be able to progress further and MUST create a new Work Item. Only the carriers, and products that are available for sale in the chosen state display on this screen.

Solicitation State

Solicitation State should be a required field in Starting Point. If you experience this error, contact your Back-Office support team.

Best Practice

Best Practice Tip: The information you enter on each screen affects how the Wizard progresses. Take a moment to confirm everything is correct before continuing to the next page.


The Plan screen from AnnuityNet.

The Plan screen enables you to designate the type of plan to be set up and provides a list of questions designated by the insurance carrier. The selections you make for plan, account designation, and owner type, will affect the screens that appear next.

Contract Features

The contract features screen lists the available service features and rider options for the selected product.

Troubleshooting Tip

These items are limited by plan type and state. If a feature or option you need is missing, confirm that the information on the Plan and Product/Carrier screens is correct. If the state is incorrect, you MUST create a new work Item. If everything is correct, but you are still missing the item you need, contact your Back-Office support team for assistance.

Entity Owner Screen

The Entity Owner screen appears when “Corporation” is selected as the Owner on the Plan screen.

Individual Owner

The Individual Owner screen appears when “Individual” is selected as the Owner on the Plan screen.

The Primary Annuitant


The Primary Annuitant screen appears when the Owner is a non-natural entity or when the “Is the Annuitant the same as the Owner?” question on the Individual Owner screen is answered No.

Joint Owners

The Joint Owners screen appears when “Joint” is selected as the Owner on the Plan screen.


The Annuitants screen appears if you select that the owner is not the same as the annuitant or that there are contingent annuitants.

Contract Feature Detail Screens

The screens for entering contract feature details are displayed based on the selections on the contract feature screen. Example screens include Allocation, SDCA, Interest Sweep, Systematic Investments, Rebalancing, and Systematic Withdrawals.

Additional Client Questions

This screen is used to gather additional information about the investor. Examples include an investor’s net worth, annual income, federal tax bracket, investment experience, and time horizon.

Self -Allocations Screen

The funds on this screen can be sorted by fund name or fund manager name.

Beneficiary 1/Details Screen

The Beneficiaries screen provides a way for the Wizard to collect information about the beneficiary or beneficiaries, including type, percentage, demographic information, and relationship to the owner.


Clicking Add will add an additional beneficiary to the transaction.


Clicking Remove will remove an additional beneficiary to the transaction.

Reset/ Clear All

If you select Reset / Clear All, all beneficiary information you have entered will be removed.

Payment 1/Details Screen

The payments screen gathers all of the data on how the contract will be funded. The Money source changes based on the transaction’s plan type. If the transaction is non-qualified, the exchange option is 1035. If it is qualified, you will have the options for transfer and rollover. The available payment methods depend on the funding source.


Payment 1/Additional Information Screen

Use this screen to enter any additional payment information related to insurance exchanges, ACH, etc. The Payment/Additional Information screen appears when one of the NAIC replacement questions on the Payment Detail screen is answered Yes. Many of the questions on this screen are automatically populated based on the product type selected, the Source of Fund selected on the Payment Detail screen, and other information collected elsewhere in the Wizard. The Money source is changes based on the transaction’s plan type. If the transaction is non-qualified, the exchange option is 1035. If it is qualified, you will have the options for transfer and rollover. The available payment methods depend on the source of money.

Payments Summary Screen

The Payments Summary screen lists all the payments entered for the transactions.

Authorization Screen

The Authorization screen enables the Wizard to collect information regarding any authorization required by the insurance carrier. The questions on this screen vary by the carrier and product selected.

Investment Professional Information Screen

The Investment Professional Information screen collects client account numbers, where required, and requests information about commission options, if applicable.