SIGNiX SMS (No Password) Authentication Mode

SIGNiX SMS (No Password) Authentication Mode





July 2022

Initial version

September 2022

Revised guide to provide additional clarification.


SIGNiX must enable the authentication mode before you can use it in your Docupace site.

The new SMS authentication mode allows a signer to complete an eSigning ceremony without re-entering their password. Instead, they can request an SMS verification code.

Setting up the Authentication Mode

To add this authentication mode, add a new record to the Signer Auth Modes domain (270).

You can also set SMS No Password as the default for a particular signer type.

Using the Authentication Mode

When setting up an e-sign recipient, select SMS No Password from the Signer Auth Mode dropdown. For more detailed instructions on setting up e-sign recipients, visit this guide.


When a signer has SMS No Password enabled SIGNiX proceeds to the attachments screen. Click Finish.

Info: Normally, SIGNiX displays a password-entry screen after a signer clicks Finish. Instead, SIGNiX will proceed directly to the attachments screen.

Audience: Administrators and Back Office Users